object TSIdo

Identity Orchestration user API


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fun initializeSDK(context: Context)

Initializes the Identity Orchestration SDK. Client ID, base url and application id values are fetched from app's string resources (transmit_security_client_id, transmit_security_base_url and transmit_security_app_id).

fun initializeSDK(    context: Context,     clientId: String,     options: TSIdoInitOptions)

Initializes the Identity Orchestration SDK.

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fun startJourney(    journeyId: String,     options: TSIdoStartJourneyOptions?,     callback: TSIdoCallback<TSIdoServiceResponse>)

Starts a Journey with a given id.

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fun <DATA_TYPE> submitClientResponse(    clientResponseOptionId: String,     data: DATA_TYPE?,     callback: TSIdoCallback<TSIdoServiceResponse>)

This method will submit client input to the Journey step to process.