
enum TSIdoJourneyActionType : Enum<TSIdoJourneyActionType>

The enum for the Journey step ID, used when the journey step is a predefined typed action. The actions that do not use this are "Get Information from Client" and "Login Form" which allow the journey author to define a custom ID. See also journeyStepId.


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journeyStepId for a journey rejection

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journeyStepId for a journey completion.

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journeyStepId for an Information action. Data received in the TSIdoServiceResponse object: These are the text values that are configured for the Information action step in the journey editor. This can be used to display the information to the user. The client response does not need to include any data: TSIdo.submitClientResponse(ClientResponseOptionType.ClientInput, null, callback)

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journeyStepId for a server side debugger breakpoint. This response is sent to the client side when the journey debugger has reached a breakpoint, and will continue to return while the journey debugger is paused. The TSIdoServiceResponse object does not include any data. The client response does not need to include any data: TSIdo.submitClientResponse(ClientResponseOptionType.ClientInput, null, callback)

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journeyStepId for a Wait for Cross Session Message action. The TSIdoServiceResponse object includes information that can be presented as a QR to scan by another device. The response will remain the same while the cross session message was not consumed by the journey executed by the other device. The client response does not need to include any data: TSIdo.submitClientResponse(ClientResponseOptionType.ClientInput, null, callback)

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journeyStepId for Register Device action. The TSIdoServiceResponse object does not include any data. The client response does not need to include any data: IdoSdk.submitClientResponse(ClientResponseOptionType.ClientInput, null, callback). The data (device keys) is generated by the SDK, and sent as part of the response.

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journeyStepId for Validate Device action. The TSIdoServiceResponse object does not include any data. The client response does not need to include any data: IdoSdk.submitClientResponse(ClientResponseOptionType.ClientInput, null, callback);. The data (signed challenge) is generated by the SDK, and sent as part of the response.

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journeyStepId for instructing the use of DRS trigger action, as part of the Risk Recommendation journey step. Data received in the TSIdoServiceResponse object - the input parameters that you need to send to TSAccountProtection.triggerAction()

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journeyStepId for Identity Verification action.

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journeyStepId for WebAuthn Registration action. Data received in the TSIdoServiceResponse object: the input parameters that you need to send to TSAuthentication.registerWebAuthn() Before responding, activate TSAuthentication.registerWebAuthn() to obtain the webauthn_encoded_result value. This will present the user with the WebAuthn registration UI. Use the result to send the client response:

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journeyStepId for Biometrics registration action.

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journeyStepId for Biometrics authentication action.


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val name: String
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val ordinal: Int
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val type: String